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Reuse UNE-EN 13429

Reusable packaging is conceived, designed and marketed to perform multiple circuits or rotations throughout its life cycle, and can be refilled and reused for the same purpose for which it was created.

Reusable packaging

In Spain, Royal Decree 1055/2022 on packaging and packaging waste defines reusable packaging as packaging that is “conceived, designed and marketed for multiple circuits or rotations throughout its life cycle, and can be refilled or reused for the same purpose for which it was conceived”.

Law 7/2022 on Waste and Contaminated Soil within the framework of a Circular Economy addresses the promotion of manufacturing and using reusable packaging based on ecodesign criteria.

At European level, directives promote the use of reusable packaging, as an ecodesign strategy addressed since 2008 in Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on waste, and is also reflected in Law 22/2011 on Waste and Contaminated Soil, where reuse is the second level in the order of priority:

Prevention Reuse Recycling Recovery Elimination

AIMPLAS helps companies comply with reusable packaging legislation. One of the alternatives to demonstrate that packaging is reusable is to comply with standard UNE-EN 13429:2005, which establishes the requirements and methodology to be followed to establish that packaging is reusable. It is also a guide for compliance with the applicable legislation. It is currently not a mandatory standard for all containers and packaging, except for reusable cups at social, cultural and sporting events starting on 1 July 2023.

The standard is based on three principles that packaging must comply with:

  1. It must be designed to be reusable.
  2. It must be designed so that the main components are reusable for the same application.
  3. There must be a system for reuse and conditioning. The standard defines three systems for reuse: closed, open and hybrid.
