Citizen awareness
AIMPLAS is a founding member of EsPlásticos, the Spanish Plastics Platform, through which it helps increase the value of plastic materials and raise social awareness about the importance of properly managing plastic waste.
For every euro invested in AIMPLAS activities in 2021, a return of €13.70 was generated in terms of social impact.
Social commitment
At AIMPLAS, we have a strong social commitment and, in line with our mission to improve people’s quality of life and care for the environment, we collaborate with various foundations and organizations that work in this area.
Tapones para una nueva vida (Bottle caps for a new life, SEUR Foundation)
Comparte y Recicla (Fundación Crecer Jugando)
Llamada Solidaria
In addition, each year, we donate part of our results to various NGOs. An internal procedure regulates these donations and the entities to which they are donated in accordance with the proposals and preferences of our staff.
The people who work at AIMPLAS like to show their solidarity, which is why they can participate in green volunteering actions and periodic beach cleanups, such as those that form part of the European action Let’s Clean Up Europe and the Proyecto Libera.
Boosting industry
AIMPLAS sponsors events on the plastics industry to promote its development and is also a member of different associations and platforms.
It participates in research networks and collaborative technology platforms at international and national level to promote research and business competitiveness in the use of plastic materials.
See networks and collaboration
Supplying the sector with excellent talent to enhance business competitiveness forms part of the AIMPLAS mission.
AIMPLAS therefore promoted the creation of the AIMPLAS-UPV Chair in April 2010 in partnership with the Institute of Materials Technology (ITM) at Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV). Its aim is to promote and develop training, dissemination and research actions focused on the field of plastic materials. To this end, it offers a Master’s Degree in Continuing Education in Polymeric Materials and Composite Technologies, which has a high level of employability.
In addition, through its training portal, the Plastics Academy, AIMPLAS offers people who want to improve their qualifications a wide range of subsidized training and job listings specializing in the sector.
AIMPLAS aims to make a positive impact on the lives of millions of people, starting with the ones who work there. For this reason, an occupational health and safety and risk prevention management system based on standard ISO 45001 was implemented and certified. It goes one step further than the legal requirements in terms of healthcare and includes a programme to promote healthy habits and psychosocial well-being.
AIMPLAS is highly committed to gender equality. It therefore promotes diverse and inclusive work environments where all people can develop their professional potential, and especially where women feel in control of their development, free from any discriminatory practices and supported by a range of work-life balance measures.
This commitment formally began in 2016 with the approval of the first Equality Plan at AIMPLAS. Since then, AIMPLAS has been awarded the Fent Empresa. Iguals en Oportunitats (Making the Company: With Equal Opportunities) label and has now presented its fourth Equality Plan.
There is currently no wage gap at AIMPLAS and female talent is promoted in society through participation in initiatives such as 11 de
At AIMPLAS, we have a long history of commitment to diversity, which formally began in 2016, when we signed our first Equality Plan. We have subsequently broadened our approach by carrying out a number of actions related to generational, functional and cultural diversity. In this context, in 2021 we signed the diversity charter and continued our firm commitment to considering the inclusion and diversity of all people as a strategic approach.