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Novel low-pressure cryogenic liquid hydrogen storage for aviation

Project partners
Aciturri Engineering | Aimen Centro Tecnológico | Plateforme Canoe | University of Girona | Delft University of Technology | Fondazione ICONS | Arkema Innovative Chemistry | National Research and Development Institute for Cryogenics and Isotopic Technologies | Norwegian University of Science and Technology | AIMPLAS

AIMPLAS is aligned in this project with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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OVERLEAF aims to develop a game-changing Liquid Hydrogen (LH2) storage tank to enable the transition towards H2 -powered aviation. It will thus contribute towards the goals of the EU Green Deal by 2050 for the aviation sector.



The rising demand for air travel has led to a 34% increase in direct CO2 emissions worldwide over the past five years. This is expected to further increase by 3-5 % per year as the population grows. Aviation is forecast to be responsible for 24% of global emissions by 2050. As a result, the aviation industry must shift to new, low-carbon propulsion technologies and/or new fuels, such as hydrogen (H2).

To respond to these needs, the OVERLEAF project will develop a disruptive low-pressure liquid H2 storage system (LPH) design, combining innovative functional and high-performance materials, thermal insulating materials and novel hydrogen leak detection sensors.

The low-pressure, liquid hydrogen storage system architecture will combine new materials solutions, advanced and flexible manufacturing technologies, and sensors into an optimum configuration design.

This project has received funding from the European Union under grant agreement No 101056818.


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Nº Expediente:
5.951.729 €
Entidad adjudicataria:
European Union
Sustainable mobility
Advanced materials
07. Energías asequible y no contaminante
12. Producción y consumo responsables
13. Acción por el clima