VII International Seminar on Biopolymers and Sustainable Composites Seminar 2023


The bioplastics industry has rapidly grown over the last few years and it is predicted that production will have tripled by 2026. Nowadays there are clear, sustainable alternatives for particular applications, which strengthen innovative solutions for waste recovery, both organic and synthetic. This waste will be transformed into new raw materials, promoting the circular economy model in its strictest sense.
Our main aim is to promote discussion on new challenges and opportunities in bioplastics and sustainable biocomposites. The Seminar will be organized around the following thematic sessions:
✓ Innovations in bioplastic materials.
✓ Success stories of leading companies.
✓ Standardization and certification.
✓ Environmental impact of bioplastics in open environments.

We’ll assess the most important trends in this area that are driving the search for more environmentally friendly alternative sources, some of which have the capacity for biodegradation, and which also provide a response to consumer demand for more environmentally sustainable consumption.

We’ll take a general look at the trends and role of bioplastics in the economy of the future, and leading companies will present their success stories and most innovative applications in the food, construction, textile, fishing and agriculture industries.

Certification and eco-labelling provide an opportunity for companies to inform their customers about the quality of their biodegradable products and/or products from renewable sources. In terms of product sustainability, LCA enables us to assess the environmental impact associated with these kinds of products, which are becoming increasingly more common on the market.

Biotechnology offers the chance to replace chemical processes with new processes that are more environmentally friendly, efficient and sustainable, and based on the use of biodegradable raw materials and/or raw materials from renewable sources. Biotechnology provides a wide range of powerful tools. Major advances have already been made, such as the development of chemical building blocks, enzymatic polymerization, the ability to produce safer and more effective biopharmaceuticals, and the reuse of CO2 as a raw material.
Descuento grupos:
20% de descuento de grupo a partir de tercer inscrito y siguientes de la misma empresa.
No incluido:
La inscripción al Seminario no incluye el alojamiento.
- Promotion of your company during the event and logo placement on the signage, promotion materials and digital communications
- Interview on a sectoral media outlet
- Moderation of a thematic segment of the conference
- List of attendees (subject to prior authorisation)
- Invitations to the event for your company personnel
- Presentation at the conference (subject to approval by the Technical Committee)
- Welcome-desk in the event venue
- Mention in the press releases
Media Partners
In collaboration with
Practical information

Escuela de Negocios Lluís Vives, Cámara Valencia.
C/ Benjamín Franklin, 8
Parque Tecnológico 46980 – Paterna, Valencia. SPAIN
Recommended accommodations

The 4-star HUSA Mas Camarena Hotel is located inside the Technology Park, just 200 metres from AIMPLAS.
Parking areas
- Parking Husa Mas Camarena Hotel . Calle Leonardo Da Vinci.
- Parking Escuela de Negocios Lluís Vives de Cámara Valencia, Av. Benjamín Franklin, 8.
- Parking Calle Juan de la Cierva y Codorniu, in front of Tecnoil gas station.

The International Seminar on Biopolymers and Sustainable Composites is organized by AIMPLAS, the Plastics Technology Centre.
AIMPLAS has 30 years’ experience in the plastics industry. The AIMPLAS centre provides solutions to companies all along the value chain, including suppliers of raw materials, processors and end users.
AIMPLAS has coordinated and carried out numerous R&D&I projects on biopolymers and biocomposites since 1997 and is now a benchmark in this field.
It has also developed and enhanced its biopolymer capacity in all its services: prototyping and processing, analysis and tests, technical advice, technological monitoring, training and events
Sustainable Development Goals