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General Hospital of Valencia Research Foundation and AIMPLAS create UROPLAS Joint Research Unit in order to use biopolymers to improve patients’ quality of life

The Research Foundation of the General Hospital of Valencia (FIHGUV) and AIMPLAS, have signed an agreement to create the UROPLAS Joint Research Unit in order to facilitate collaboration between the General Hospital of Valencia’s Urology Unit and the technology centre.

UROPLAS was set up to develop innovative products launched on the market to improve patients’ quality of life. It also seeks to foster urological research projects, including research on biopolymers for medical applications that make progress in the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of different urological, surgical, oncological, infectious and functional disorders. “It’s about providing a response based on innovation, disease management in the clinical context, and improving patients’ quality of life while also generating opportunities in terms of innovation for companies in the healthcare industry”, said Amador García, head of the Joint Research Unit at AIMPLAS.

According to Raquel Gálvez, manager of the FIHGUV, “This agreement will enable us to detect opportunities for improving the hospital’s Urology Unit so these research results can be transferred to the diagnosis and treatment of public health issues through the innovations of a technology centre like AIMPLAS”.

UROPLAS’s main research areas include the development of prototypes and healthcare products, as well as tissue regeneration and tissue engineering using 3D printing techniques. Other research areas include the development of new diagnostic tools through the use of nanoparticles, surgical adhesives, sensors and molecular gates, as well as polymer microspheres for drug delivery, biomarkers for diagnosis and new precision oncological therapies.