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EFSA proposes to lower the daily tolerable intake of Bisphenol A


Bisphenol A (BPA) is commonly used in the industry for manufacturing polycarbonate plastics and food packaging materials among other consumer goods. Therefore, BPA, a well-known endocrine-disrupting chemical, can leach from some of these polymers into food products or water.

The migration of BPA from plastic materials has been extensively studied for the last years, but has recently gotten a new wave of attention, given that competent organizations are currently reviewing the tolerance daily intake (TDI) limits to this substance.

The dangers to public health, associated with BPA’s presence in food, are now being reevaluated by the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA). The panel of experts has thoroughly examined the scientific literature on the effects of BPA on human health since the last change in the TDI in 2015, and has concluded that BPA does indeed have adverse effects at lower concentrations, particularly on the immune system.

Lowering the daily tolerable intake of Bisphenol A

Given this information, EFSA announced the findings of its revaluation of the health risks associated with BPA exposure in April of 2023. The expert group proposes reducing the daily dose that is tolerated from 4 µg/kg body weight per day to 0.02 ng/kg body weight per day.

The last time EFSA lowered the TDI, the European Commission translated into a lower Specific Migration Limit (SML) for BPA in food contact materials.

In addition to this, also the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the competent organisation in the USA, agreed, in April of 2022, to reconsider the safety of using BPA in polycarbonate plastics, metal can coatings, and other food contact materials, potentially setting the stage for stricter limits on the chemical.

Given the strict restrictions placed on the use of BPA in the industry, there has been an increased interest toward potential substituents like bisphenol S, F, and B. However, these substances have also been investigated due to its potential hazardousness to public health.

EFSA proposes to lower the daily tolerable intake of Bisphenol A

Bisphenol analysis

In conclusion, the presence of bisphenol in food packaging materials is a current concern for the packaging sector and for the competent legislative organisations. Having this in mind, at AIMPLAS we perform analysis to Bisphenol A, Bisphenol S, Bisphenol F and Bisphenol B. Using chromatographic methods, we are able to reach limits of quantification much lower than the SML established at this time.

At our company we act as consultants to help businesses comply with the different regulations and protocols in the field of plastics. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any doubt regarding the analysis we offer or the applicable legislation.