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Do you know what plastronics is?

Plastronics is a new research and development line in the field of electronics that includes the incorporation of electronic components in plastic materials, the development of flexible electronics and the use of conductive materials based on polymers from organic and hybrid materials.

Plastronics allows obtaining light and flexible devices that can be integrated into parts with complex geometries. Another advantage is that, unlike silicon electronics, plastronics is an affordable technology thanks to the capacity of being processed at a large scale. It is an emerging line and shows a great growth potential in industrial sectors such as the automotive, navigation, aviation, consumer electronics and white goods industry, among others.

Among the materials and processing technologies covered by plastronics we find:

  • Synthesis of conductive polymers.
  • Integration of conductive materials in thermoplastics and thermosetting resins.
  • Flexible electronics and In-Mould Electronics (IME), which consists of the integration of electronics in complex shapes and 3D parts by means of thermoforming and mould injection.

AIMPLAS helps companies to develop innovative high added-value products benefiting from the opportunities that plastronics offers.