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Chitosan from insects

Obtención quitosano insecto

Chitosan is a biopolymer that can be obtained by deacetylating chitin naturally present in crustaceans, insects and fungi.

Which are the applications of chitosan?

Chitosan presents several properties, such as biodegradability, non-toxicity, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities and flame-retardant activity. For the above-mentioned features, chitosan is an optimate candidate for a wide variety of uses and applications in several areas, from the water treatment to the pharmaceutical field, including cosmetics and food sectors. Depending on the combinations of its degree of deacetylation and its molecular weight, the chitosan could present wide range characteristics in order to adapt to each particular application.

Sources of chitosan

Chitosan is mainly obtained from crustacean shells, source that is affected by several inconvenience, such as the seasonal availability, the shortage of supplies and the presence of allergens.

chitosane from insects

Our expertise

At the Synthesis Department of AIMPLAS we are promoting a new line of research, focused on the extraction of chitosan from insects such as mealworms. In addition, the characterization of the obtained chitosan allows us to determine in which industries it can be applied and offer our clients solutions that will suit their necessities

Chelo Hernández | AIMPLAS Synthesis Department