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AIMPLAS expands their laboratory equipment with a camera to conduct adherence tests according to standard UNE EN ISO 16925

ensayo de adhesión

The evaluation of the painted parts’ coating properties in the automotive sector is outlined in the standards issued by the OEMs themselves. In the case of Volkswagen, standard TL 211 defines the requirements for the polymeric coatings of plastic exterior vehicle parts, for example:

  • Bumpers
  • Wheel caps
  • Rear spoilers
  • Rear doors/boot lids
  • Mud guards

Adhesion Tests

The adhesion test in the painting and coating industry is necessary to ensure that the paint or coating adequately sticks to the substrates on which it is applied. The adherence test, after the application process of the coating, indicates the strength of the union between the substrate and the coating, or between different layers, or the strength of material cohesion.

In 2019, Volkswagen updated the standard by describing within the adhesion tests, the realisation of the water jet test according to method C of standard ISO 16925 (Determination of the coatings’ resistance to the of water jet pressure).

This standard specifies how to carry out the evaluation of the resistance of coatings to pressure exercised by a water jet. The equipment required is a water pressure jet chamber specifically for this test.

ensayo de adhesión

AIMPLAS has acquired this chamber which allows to control the critical parameters when conducting the test, such as flow velocity, water pressure and temperature, and angle of impact, among others.

The chamber can function automatically, where the parameters defined in the standard have already been programmed, or manually, where the necessary parameters can be programmed to perform the test under specific conditions.

When conducting the test, a cross-cut is applied on the surface of the sample as indicated in the standard and the water pressure is applied under established conditions. The damage is then evaluated by visual comparison with standard reference figures, in which the characteristic evaluation is related to the detached areas.

Free webinar Quality Control in Automotive Plastics: Coatings and Emissions

Thanks to the constant equipment update, AIMPLAS can offer services suited to the needs of companies, as well as improvements that provide different testing techniques demanded by the manufacturers.

Livia López

Automotive and Transport Laboratory