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Valorization of CO2 waste stream into polyester for a sustainable circular textile industry

Project partners
FAIRBRICS SAS | AIMPLAS | Ciaotech s.r.l. | City of Lappeenranta | DIGIOTOUCH | ELCAT - UANTWERPEN | FORVIA - Faurecia | German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf | LES TISSAGES DE CHARLIEU | LUT University | NALDEO TECHNOLOGIES & INDUSTRIES | TECNALIA | Triple Helix SurePure


The overall objective is to significantly reduce the carbon footprint of the textile industry by demonstrating and bringing to the market high-quality polyester textile products from the valorization of CO2 waste streams through a circular manufacturing approach.

Threading-CO2 aims to scale-up and demonstrate its first-of-its-kind technology producing high-quality commercially viable sustainable PET textile products from CO2 waste streams at industrial scale (TRL7) using a circular manufacturing approach and running on renewable energy sources.

The overall outcome of the Threading-CO2 project is a 70% GHG emissions reduction compared to existing PET manufacturing processes. In addition, Threading-CO2 will enable the creation of a European value chain for sustainable PET textiles, from feedstock to final textile products in the clothing, automotive and sports/outdoor industries.


The textile industry is the fourth largest industry in the world with the global volume of fiber production for textile manufacturing reaching 110 million metric tons in 2020. At the same time, the textile industry is one of the most polluting industries worldwide with the highest greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions corresponding to 10% of the global emissions. Polyester (PET) is the most widely used fibre in the industry, making up 52% of the global market volume.

Addressing the key challenges of carbon neutrality, circularity, cost, value chain adaption, and textile properties is the ambition of Threading-CO2, a disruptive project that will demonstrate on an industrial scale a first-of-its-kind technology that converts CO2 waste streams into sustainable PET textiles.

The Threading-CO2 project addresses the call topic HORIZON-CL4-2022-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-11: Valorisation of CO/CO2 streams into added-value products of market interest (Processes4Planet Partnership), and has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 101092257.


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Other sectors
Circular economy
Advanced technologies
Polymer synthesis